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American clothing brand Meiying Aofei sues Amazon, claiming that Amazon has infringed trademark rights

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American Eagle, a clothing brand in the United States, sued Amazon on September 25th local time, accusing Amazon of intentionally guiding customers to purchase counterfeit products and infringing on the clothing and accessories retailer's "Aerie" and "Offline by Aerie" trademarks.
In the lawsuit submitted to the Manhattan Federal Court, the American Eagle Aircraft stated that it refused Amazon's request to sell Aerie products on its platform. Meiying Aofei also said that after warning Amazon to stop guiding shoppers to purchase counterfeit products and "counterfeits," Amazon "attempted to be more creative in its infringement behavior" by using misspelled words such as "Aeries" and "Aries" in sponsored advertisements.
The lawsuit states that AEO protects its brand and cannot allow Amazon's unethical behavior to confuse and deceive consumers, guide them to purchase inferior counterfeit products, and "exploit the goodwill, success, and popularity of the Aerie logo".
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